By Dobie Maxwell -
I was born at 12:13am
Thursday March 14th, 1963 at Mount Sinai Hospital in Milwaukee, WI.
After that first slap, they wouldn’t stop coming. My story has twists and turns
few others do, and had I not lived through all of it myself I probably wouldn’t
believe it. I assure you, it’s ALL true.
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I was born on 'pi day' - 3/14 |
I have
always heard I should “write a book someday” – which is turning out to be
today. I have enough crazy stories to tell to fill several books, but I’ll
start at the beginning to set the stage. I’m ashamed to admit that for many years
I wanted to forget about my past and where I came from.
Unfortunately, there’s just no way to do that. We all come from
somewhere, and wherever that is becomes an inescapable part of who we are for
life. I am from Milwaukee, and no matter how far I’ve ever tried to run – and I
have – it always will be a part of me. I have come to embrace it.
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Flying my hometown colors. |
It wasn’t
easy. I had a very rocky start. I was born the third child to two people who
should not have been parents under any circumstances whatsoever. My father rode
with a motorcycle ‘club’ of local infamy called The Outlaws, and my mother was
not even 21 when I came on the scene.
Neither one
was ready for parenthood, but they kept cranking out babies like
Harley-Davidson was cranking out motorcycles. By the time I was five months
old, they’d had enough. My mother left, and I was sent to live with my paternal
grandparents temporarily until they could decide on a place to send me. One
thing led to another, and they ended up raising me most of my childhood.
That doesn’t mean life was all “Hershey bars
and Archie comics” as Gramps often liked to say. He and my grandmother fought
constantly, and by the time I was twelve they split up. During all that time, I
would be shipped back and forth to my father’s house to try and assimilate with
both my natural siblings, step mother and eventually a younger step brother. It
was constant turmoil.
I would
spend occasional weekends and frequent extended school vacations living in what
the neighbors came to know as the “Outlaw House”, and saw firsthand how that
insane lifestyle was lived. It wasn’t fun and I never fit in, and that’s
extremely painful for a child to have to endure.
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Another set of colors from my childhood. |
I never
felt like I had a true home anywhere, but that later trained me well for the
comedy road life. All too often the back stories of comedians are loaded with
sadness. That’s what eventually becomes the motivation for wanting to hear
laughter because there was so little in our childhood.
What makes
my story unusual is that I lived through not one but two painful childhoods at
the same time. I’d spend some time at one place, and then get sent back to the
other. I didn’t know it at the time, but it would provide me with more comedic
material than I could use in six lifetimes. There were oddball characters
everywhere I went – and that’s the ingredient of all good comedy.
those two off the charts scenarios with the backdrop of Milwaukee culture, and
I was living in two sitcoms at once and didn’t know it. I wasn’t able to see the
humor then, as I struggled to carve out an identity and figure out what life
was all about and where my place in it might be.
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Does this look like a future comedian? |
I like to
refer to a comedian (or anyone else from a painful childhood) as a “dented
can”. There isn’t anything technically wrong with a dented can at the grocery
store, but they never put it with the ‘normal’ cans on the shelf. They always
stick it in a cart in the back of the store with all kinds of other rejected
products like oddly shaped fruits and vegetables and crushed boxes of cereal.
It trickles
down, and robs the dented can of self esteem. There is no real reason they
shouldn’t be with the rest of the cans, just as the tomato with the unsightly
lump or the ripped box of Corn Flakes has a reason to be removed from the rest.
There might be a cosmetic flaw, but the actual product itself is just as good
as the others. The same holds true for products of painful families.
It doesn’t
mean we’re inferior people, it only means we’ve had some outside damage that
has placed us in a separate category through no fault of our own. This is never
pleasant, but it’s true for literally millions of people in America and all
over the world. It’s not a matter of if someone is a dented can, but rather how
deep one’s dents are and where. Very few live the fantasy life.
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Are you a dented can too? |
A lot boils
down to how one reacts to the poker hand life deals. I never asked to be born
at all, much less to lower class biker parents in Milwaukee. Who wouldn’t love
to be the firstborn son of a billionaire who lives in a mansion in Hollywood or
some other exotic dream circumstance?
We get what
we get, and that’s how it is. I fought it for years, but the more I fought the
less it changed. I was who I was, and part of that was where I came from. I
eventually started to travel as a comedian, and I found that where I was from
was definitely not like everywhere else. There are definitely dented cans
everywhere, but everywhere was definitely not like my home town.
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We ALL get dealt a hand by life. |
One thing I
noticed right away was that anywhere I went in America where there happened to
be another Milwaukeean in attendance we’d always end up talking about home.
We’d talk about our favorite restaurants and what side of town we were from,
and it forged an immediate bond.
This kind
of a bond is both instantaneous and everlasting – just like meeting someone
with the same birthday. If it happens to be the same year, you can pretty much
invite yourself over for the holiday dinner of your choice. Meeting someone
from one’s home town works exactly the same way, and the farther from home one
is when the meeting occurs the deeper the bond becomes.
It took me
painful decades of unsuccessfully trying to escape my past and hometown
heritage to learn that I could be abducted by a UFO and taken to a far away
galaxy and still not get away from the fact that I am a dented can from
Milwaukee and always will be. I’m no longer ashamed, and in fact it’s quite the
opposite. I’m proud of where I’m from, and I want to be an ambassador.
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Where it all began in my world. |
Warts and
all, Milwaukee and its local culture is flat out FUNNY. The situations of my
painful past are funny. Life itself is funny – if we will allow ourselves to look
at it that way. It took me a lifetime to be able to see that, but now I do and am
excited to share the stories with everyone else who might be able to relate to being
either a Milwaukeean or a dented can. Maybe you happen to be both. That’s great!
Pull up a barstool. We’ve got some serious (and funny) catching up to do.
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